Neiman Marcus Last Call is Calling for Curvy Girls!

I admittedly have never been to a Neiman Marcus Last Call store prior to this weekend. The words Neiman Marcus always just rang as ‘outside of my budget!’ I also didn’t think they carried plus sizes. 

The Curvy Fashionista put out the call to plus size fashionistas and turns out, once upon a time they didn’t! BUT! This weekend that changed with the release of new plus size sections in a select few test stores! Our area was one of the selected areas so I grabbed one of my favorite curvy girls (IG: @thevainlife) and headed the 38 miles to Arundel Mills Mall to check it out and here’s what we found:


On launch day there were only about 5 racks for us; workwear, denim, active wear, special occasion/dresses, and a Vince Camuto display wall. It was definitely a start! I looked through the racks and found a few things to try on that caught my eye immediately! When I came out of the dressing room I spoke to a sales associate that was excited about the return of plus sizes and assured us that new pieces were coming in daily!! So, we can look forward to seeing the section expand very soon!


This was my major curiosity! Could I afford to shop at Neiman Marcus!? Well, turns out, the entire store was on sale 30% off, with an additional 10% off which definitely made the pieces I grabbed affordable. The associate signed me up for emails so that I’d know when they had sales and so they could send me coupons! As far as price point, @thevainlife and I agreed, it’s mid-high. 

I went with the intention of finding some good denim! I pick up cheap denim all the time, but I was looking for quality and I found that for only $30!

On Trend:

We’ve all had the experience of the plus size section meant for your grandma; the very little on trend pieces. I was glad to see that not only were there some basics/staples but also a few pieces that were on trend for spring.


I’ll start with the piece I loved most! And purchased! And that was the denim! I got a pair of Vince Camuto grey-ish skinny jeans that fit to PERFECTION! I was even shocked because I was able to go DOWN in size!

I also tried on this lightweight denim hooded zip up top that was really cute and versatile! 

Last but not least was my high ticket pick:

This sleeveless white dress shirt with a detailed collar. Definitely a closet staple, especially for workwear.

Overall, they’re off to a great start! I look forward to returning to see what’s new and with some great sales and coupons, I could be a new customer! I have a Neiman Marcus Last Call much closer to me so I hope they catch on! That was the one downfall; the distance/drive, but Arundel Mills Mall is full of activities and restaurants and even a casino so you could definitely make a day of it!! 

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